

夕焼け小焼け - Yuuyake Koyake
The Sky is Glowing with the Setting Sun

Lyrics by Nakamura Uko
Music by Kusakawa Shin

夕焼け 小焼けで 日が暮れて
山のお寺の 鐘がなる

おててつないで みなかえろう
からすと いっしょに かえりましょう

The sky is glowing with the setting sun. Night is coming on.
The bell of the mountain temple has just started to ring.
Let's go home hand in hand. Everyone, let's go home.
Crows join us in going home, flying in the sky.

子供が かえった あとからは

まるい大きな お月さま

小鳥が夢を 見るころ
空には きらきら 金の星

All the children went home after playing a lot
And the huge, round moon came up so dazzling.
When pretty birds dream at their cozy homes,
Golden stars are all out, twinkling in the sky.

The song that is played at 5 o'clock (and beginning April 1, at 6 o'clock) in many neighborhoods throughout Tokyo.


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